Friday, October 16, 2009

Flickr Tools Thing #5

I've spent way too long fussing around with trying to make a mosaic and then trading cards. It seems like it's working then when I try to share it doesn't come up on my blog--Arghhh! It would be a fun thing to do if only it worked.

Thing #7 Technology Discussion

Too many passowords- I remember Ann telling us about a site that stores passwords- was it in Google docs?

On another note... last week I had my 5/6th graders explore Digital Pipeline. I really talked it up as a way to do research from home but as we explored and tried searches we found the Search page to be cumbersome and our searches didn't come up with that much worthwhile stuff although the students really enjoyed the pictures. World Book online was a bit more user-friendly in my mind so we started exploring that this week.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Thing #1- lifelong learners

I did write a blog about this on my first attempt at blog set up but then changed my blog name and address so the first post didn't end up on this page. At any rate... my challenges are not giving up with the problems instead look at them as challenges- I'm pretty good at staying focused and getting things done although not always in a detailed comprehensive way. I guess you'd say I'm a "doer" not so much a "thinker".